Friday, March 16, 2007

Who in the End You Love

Love Insurance Sound Track


Colonel Plantane/Jefferson Starship/Title Insurance Mash-Up

I get distracted easily while doing actual paying commercial work... and here's what you get.


Funny Insurance Advert

The funniest advert ever!!!


"El Trio" Vitale Baraj Gonzalez

Fragmento de "La cueca loca"en vivo en la casa Rosada4 de junio de 2004Tango Maradona, Batistuta, Fangio, Che Guevara, San Martin, Gardel, Borges, Favaloro, Kempes Heinze Monzon Crespo Manu Ginolbili Nalbandian Vilas Darin, Sabatini Cerati Piazzolla D'Stefano Alemania Arabia Saudita Argentina Australia Austria Belgica Brasil Bulgaria Canadá Chile China Colombia Corea del Sur Costa Rica Croacia Cuba Dinamarca Egipto El Salvador España Estados Unidos Francia Grecia Hong Kong Iraq Irlanda Islas Malvinas Israel Italia Jamaica Japón Mexico Nueva Zelanda Nigeria Noruega Pakistan Paraguay Peru Portugal Puerto Rico Reino Unido Republica Dominicana Rusia Sudafrica Suecia Suiza Ucrania Uruguay Venezuela Denmark England France Germany Great Britain Greece Italy North Korea South Korea New Zealand Norway Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland United States Cordoba Patagonia Buenos Aires Miami Sydney London California Rosario German Aleman French Frances Spanish Español English Ingles Japanese Japones Castellano Latinos Europa Europe North America Antartica Oceania Asia Borat Ali G Jessica Simpson Paris Hilton Hilary Duff Britney Spears Anna Kournikova Lindsay Lohan Carmen Electra George Bush Saddan Hussein Osama Angelina Jolie Howard Stern Daddy Yankee Eminem Jesse McCartney Steve Irwin Green Day Pussycat Dolls Evanescence Fall Out Boy Black Eyes Peas Guns N Roses All American Rejects Rolling Stones The Fray Beyonce Jay Z Don Omar Queen Len Zeppellin U2 Tiesto Tupac Airbag Attaque 77 Decadentes Babasonicos Bersuit Vergarabat Calamaro Callejeros Divididos Enanitos Verdes Fabulosos Cadillacacs García Charly Catupecu Machu Pericos Piojos Rata Blanca La renga Redonditos de Ricota Soda Stereo Mana Fito Paez Diego Torres Vilma Palma e Vampiros Ricardo Arjona Ricky Martin Luis Miguel Scary Movie The Da Vinci Code Scarface The Godfather Global Warming World Cup Olympics War Gas Prices Poker Yoga MySpace iPod YouTube American Idol CSI Lost The Simpsons South Park Smallville Family Guy Maria Sharapova Christiano RonaldoTiger Woods Lance Armstrong Pele Ronaldinho Schumacher insurance satellite internet money sex network marketing Lolita msm teen girl search engine real estate sports jobs Business dating casino Hot Turismo Travel and places Holidays backpacking adventure Airplanes Globe Earth World Futbol Football Tennis Tenis Rugby Hockey Soccer Air Forces Fuerzas Aereas Animales Animals Playstation Xbox Nintendo PSP Games Fashion Film TV Television Gay Lesbian Bisexual Straight White Brown Black Yellow Politics Government Health Fitness Music Rock Techno Dance Cumbia Cuarteto Villera Reggaeton Pop Salsa Merengue RnB Hip Hop Rap Folk Rock Nacional Nightlife Clubs Pets Professional Deportes Sports Religion Muslim Musulman Christian Catolico Papa Benedicto Judio Jewish University Universidad Facultad Escuela School Students Estudiantes History Internacional Shorter brecker getz Charly Parker



medina mental merck mercola merdeka message metabolic meth milk money moves muffins mugen napo narconon natalie nation national natural new news nhk nichols night ninja noise normal numa numanuma nutrition occupational ocupacional of oprah pacific people pfizer pharma pharmaceutical pie pig pill poison politics poor positive poverty predator premarin princesshours proctor products ps2 psa psychiatry qi quality queen racism radiant radiata rats rave re4 reflux remedy research resident resolution rfid riverside robert root run ruído safety saúde scanlon scottish secondhand secret segurança sephiroth sewer sex shard shoes show side single-payer size small smoke smoking sneegas so solution song speed speedrun spiritual steroids stick stoned stories sullivan supplement supw surgeon swanson system taco teenwork tenkaichi2 test text the think time tips tired todd tourism toxic trabalho treat treatment userred13 vaporiser vaporizer vegan vegetables vegetarian video videogame village vinegar vioxx vitamin volcano vu war warcraft warlock weapons weed weight wellness whishkey wolverine work workplaces world wtf ww2 wwii years yeti york you youtube yul zoloft インドネシア ジャカルタ チャンネル桜 世界大戦 戦争 日本 朝日 歴史 軍歌 金桢勛 jakarta michael middle mind morrowind mother mothers motomichi music musicvideo natural nbc new nj nutrition nwo ocd of office 0 visualize warming warnings we weight wellness winston women world" wtf xgeronimo 律動体操 民衆健康体操 alimentarius alternative back band beach beauty become break brille california campaign candidate care career carlos caucus cavazo clip cocorico codex college comedy conscious thin tim tom trade treatment tv typing ultrametabolism ultrawellness jim jim&pam jumong karl ki kilbourne knife kuehl laurie law leslie literacy lois longevity loss malcolm mark mass massage universa universal vaccines vegan video vintage conspiracy cook cooking council cure current deleted demo democrat diet diets disorder doctor downtown dr dr. drug dubrow dunder-mifflin dwight eating edwards eggs election environment episode evolve fabian face fda fellas foods foot funny gaki game gay genes gervais girl halpert head heal healing - health healthcare holistic how husband hyman idea south speed subhuman suffolk sugar suicide surgery sut swedish techno ted tedtalks project proposal masturbation mcguire mco media medical medicine meditation mef mental mercola mercury metabolic psychiatry rape reform relax relaxation ricky ricky(gervais) ried riley rosling" rummy run ry ryki teenscreen the theoffice thesecret thimerosal indiana inspector insurance iowa issue japan japanese jersey jim jim&pam john jun junki karl kevin ki knife kuehl law learn office(uk) onecare onecarenow our pam park payer peace penis peter pigs pilkington pilot politics prevention lee lesson liberty lock love luci mark martial massage medical meditation mercola sb sb840 school screening scrolls secret sega sex sexual shaffer share sheep shiatsu short sigmund silent single slave metabolic metal michael milk minute mother's mothers nations natural nbc neck new news nj nunez nurses nutrition office one our ours pain peace pharmaceutical pilkington policy politics presence present president primary products property quiet raw relax relaxation remedy resident ricky rights riot sbastien scenes school schrute scott season secret secrets share sheriff shiatsu show silent stress sucks swedish technique tga the theoffice therapy three tips to touch tsukai tv tyranny ultrawellness united universal video videoclip we wellness whole wife wonders workout your ガキの使い ココリコ ダウンタウン "hans "third 0 1 advertising aids alternative anal animals animated anorexia anti-smoking antidepressants anxiety attraction australia autism beesly boondocks bpd british california canada care career cat cats chop chopper cigarettes coke comedy conspiracy control cosmetic county cows crisis critical cure david david(brent) dead depression development diet disorder disorders dogs dr dr. dreamcast drugs dunder-mifflin eating ed education educational elder enlargement environment exercise exericse experimentation family farms fast fitness flynn food foot fraud friends fructose funny gareth gervais gin global goals graphic guy halpert harassment hard healing - health healthcare hill hip hiv hmo holistic hop hospitals house huey human hyman iii in industry jean jersey jhally
