Monday, August 20, 2007

Bleed The Dream: Can't Fight The System

What would Dave have done when he got hit by a car if he'd had a normal job? Ok fine, he'd probably have gone to the doctor, because he'd actually have health insurance if he had a normal job.


Walter Boasso - Insurance

Walter Boasso wants Insurance companies to insure homes if they already insure boats and trucks in the state.


Car Accident Lawyers in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Car Accident Lawyers

Most people don't realize just how many costs are associated with car accidents. At Bailey & Burke, our car accident lawyers work with economists, life care planners, physical therapists, and medical experts in determining the full financial impact of a car accident on our client. Unfortunately, insurance companies use claims adjustment software with pre-set algorithms and formulas for determining claims payments. As personal injury attorneys we realize there are costs associated with prescription drugs, medical equipment, physical therapy, lost wages, not to mention a loss in quality of life. That's why we carefully catalogue the costs our clients face, demanding nothing less than a settlement including all their needs.

For thorough, relentless legal representation involving car accidents, contact the law office of Bailey & Burke today. We won't compromise and neither should you.


wedding vows

insurance ad


New Menace - Scooter out on the Road

Fun video experimenting with Oregon Scientific At18 helmet cam. Recent survey by AAMI insurance, showed that 33% of Australian car driver's thought scooters were the "New Menace" on the roads.


ToFixIt! Insurance Services

ToFixIt! is the one stop shop for all of your Home, Office and Life needs. ToFixIt! has hand picked the best companies in each industry to offer quality service and products at reasonable prices. We recommend the best and toss the rest - (800) TOFIXIT | (800) 863-4948 |



James is guilty.


A Current Affair - Insurance Gotta Have It

A Current Affair - Insurance Gotta Have It


Funny Driver


Americans, And Canadians being ripped off every day

On both sides of the Border, we are being screwed by Insurance companies, and those lawyers we trust to help us. They are all screwing us. We are paying a lawyer to even screw us. At least in the United States you have a chance to sue. Here in Canada were Fucked, no matter which way we go.
