Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mandatory, Affordable Health Insurance

New America's Health Policy Program Director Len Nichols and New Media Editor Troy K. Schneider discuss the political and policy challenges ... all » facing efforts in California, Massachusetts and Congress to bring universal health coverage to all Americans.


Making the Social Contract Citizen-Based-Len Nichols Segment

One of the most glaring shortcomings of the current social contract is the link between health care and employment status. Creating a citizen-based social contract will require remaking our health care system so it becomes sustainable and accessible, one where health care benefits are portable and tied to the individual, rather than to his or her place of employment. Such a system can be built upon the essential pillars of personal responsibility and shared responsibility. Mandates to buy insurance and subsidies to help people afford to do so will be balanced with the creation of an insurance marketplace that is affordable and a delivery system that works in terms of both cost and quality.

The Next Social Contract Initiative aims to reinvent American social policy for the twenty-first century. Through a program of research and public education, the initiative will explore the origins of our modern social contract, articulate the guiding principles for constructing a new contract, and advance a set of promising policy reforms.


Great Hospital

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Not all hospitals in the world are good like this one :)



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Fun and games till your friend comes home with you.


He Can Fly!!!

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But can he land?


How Does Referendum 67 Benefit Consumers?

Insurance companies would have you believe that referendum 67 will mean more lawsuits and higher insurance rates for all Washington State consumers. They also claim that "greedy trial lawyers" have the most to benefit from this law. Neither are true. It will help protect the citizens from insurance companies that use unfair settlement claims practices and do not play by the rules and reduce the number of lawsuits!!!


Thai Insurance CM - "Daddy" with Eng sub

Very touching ad from Thai Life Insurance. Thx angelaaaaa for translation ^^.


Beavis and Butthead whiplash clip

Beavis and Butthead conspire to commit insurance fraud with hilarious results.
