Clipper fleet escorts Robin Knox-Johnston' Saga Insurance home to GunWhalf Quays, Portsmouth
Technorati: 5 clipper oceans velux
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Return of Knox-Johnston
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Technorati: consultants insurance
Jews expose each other
Dr. Bill Deagle, promoted by Alex Jones, Jeff Rense and other "truthseekers" mixes truth with lies. He provides some intelligent information but also deceptive information about crop circles and NASA having an entire city on the moon.
Alex "New World Order" Jones now has a theory that Boeing and Al-Qaeda conspired on 9/11 and hijacked some planes with a remote control especially designed to crash planes into buildings owned by Jews. He's gone totally insane:
The Scholars for 9/11 Truth appeared to be a group of intelligent professors when it first appeared. But in less than one year they have degraded into an obnoxious group that fights over whether nuclear bombs or Space Weapons brought down the towers.
Michael Zebuhr, a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, was killed under strange circumstances. The professors are not making a big deal out of this in an attempt to find out who did it. Instead - they are covering it up - pretending it didn't happen. The criminals are exposing themselves.
According to Jewish myth, the King of Jews will bring all Gentile nations, cultures and religions to ruins through world wars. The King of Jews, whom the Jews call "Messiah", will then rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Jew Paul Wolfowitz, who became President of The World Bank Group on March 31, 2005, stated in September 2000 that USA needed a catastrophic and catalyzing event.
One year later, the Jew Larry Silverstein blew up his World Trade Centers with americans in them and told Bush to blame the Arabs. Then he collected the insurance money.
Any man who says we need a catastrophe is fucked up in his head.
9/11 was a Jew Job!
Technorati: 9/11 liars zionists
Cover New York
Why 9/11 conspiracy could be true?
They force you to believe to a version of the truth while they cheat the nation.
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