Visit, tell Congress to VOTE YES on Children's Healthcare and Medicare Protection legislation!
Technorati: aarp congress coverage drugs healthecare insurance legislation medicare prescription s-chip
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tell Congress to Vote for Better Healthcare Coverage
Posted by eugene at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: aarp, congress, coverage, drugs, healthecare, insurance, legislation, medicare, prescription, s-chip
Tell Congress to Vote for Better Healthcare Coverage
Visit, tell Congress to VOTE YES on Children's Healthcare and Medicare Protection legislation!
Technorati: aarp congress coverage drugs healthecare insurance legislation medicare prescription s-chip
Posted by eugene at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: aarp, congress, coverage, drugs, healthecare, insurance, legislation, medicare, prescription, s-chip
MacWilliams and Woodrow for Assembly
Gloucester County Green Party (State Assembly)
Corporate money, flowing to both major parties, has resulted in massive tax cuts for ... all » the ... all » rich and the de-regulation of many industries, leaving us immersed in corporate profiteering.
The Green Party advocates a progressive state income tax which would recoup some of those tax breaks from the rich and provide real property tax relief!
We also advocate universal health insurance, because it is right.
We do NOT accept money from corporations, or developers, or any other special interest.
Technorati: bush clinton county gloucester green kucinich nadar obama party paul politics ralph ron sweeny third
Catscan Postponed :-(
I was just informed that my catscan and procedures are postponed. Apparently they were not able to confirm with my insurance company that they are authorized to perform the procedures.... So it looks like I'm waiting....
Cheryl Shuman
Technorati: bladder cancer catscan cherylshuman death dying gall inheritance liver shuman surgery trusts tumors wills