Saturday, March 24, 2007

Miracle In Progress (Week 1&2 HBOT)

This is a music video highlighting moments prior to, as well as the first two weeks of my son's hyperbaric oxygen therapy used to help his cerebral palsy. Although numerous independent studies of HBOT have revealed tremendously positive results when used on patients suffering from CP, the FDA still has not approved the therapy for its use in patients with cerebral palsy. Without FDA approval, insurance wont cover a dime, forcing patients and their families to bear the burden of all costs. Its an absolute shame that this promising treatment cant be made available to everyone who desperately desires to receive it. This is my son's first two weeks of treatment with hopefully many more to come. We are seeing very positive results and will continue to document his progress and his improvements with further treatments. Any and all donations towards Luke's hyperbaric oxygen therapy will be gladly accepted at any Bank of America location. It's tax deductible and all a person has to do is mention the "Luke Buckley Medical Fund" and the teller will do the rest. Or you can mail payment to the following address:Bank Of America-Luke Buckley Medical Fund31565 State Route 20Oak Harbor, WA98277Thank you and God bless.Special thanks go to Jim Wagner and Doug Pritchard of the Hyperbaric Healing Center in Port Orchard, Washington. You guys are awesome!!!Stay tuned for more updates.


Women's Insurance - Seguro para Mulheres

Anúncio muito feminista, quase a dar os homens como estúpidos. =(Feminist comercial almost giving an stupid image to men.


LymphaCare Bio Compression Lymphedema Sequential Circulator

Lymphemdema Compression Pumps is the one of the mopst effective and popular forms of treatment for chronic lymphedema & venous insufficiency. The BioCompression Sequential Circulator and an easy zip-on Biocomfort appliance (garment) provides sequential pneumatic compression therapy to your arm or leg. Two limbs may be treated simultaneously. Lymphedema Pumps are often reimbursed by Medicare, and most major insurance companies. LymphaCare provides expert billing and patient education for the lymphadema pumps nationwide. Call 1-800-288-1801 for more information or visit



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