Thursday, May 17, 2007

Weekly Wrestler's Rant 7 - Legal Scams

The WWR (Weekly Wrestler's Rant) is a weekly segment where I will do a humorous (i hope) rant, in the style of a wrestling interview, about some frustrating topic.

This segment is about the "legal scams" that take advantage of everyday people. This is a follow up to my rant about legal Insurance as a scam.


Author Jonathan Cohn on America's Health Care Crisis

Author Jonathan Cohn discusses his new book, "Sick: The untold story of America's health care crisis--and the people who pay the price" at The California Endowment


Healthcare Rally Roundup - Sacramento, CA - May 8, 2007

Check out this exciting rally for healthcare sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, with broad participation by the California School Employees Association and a wide variety of labor, religious, and community groups.

2,000 nurses, school employees, community activists, and patients rallied at the California state Capitol on Tuesday, May 8th for genuine healthcare reform, and to demand Arnold Schwarzenegger end the state's healthcare crisis by signing SB 840.

Sen. Sheila Kuehl's bill, SB 840 would guarantee healthcare for all Californians with a single-payer model similar to Medicare for All.


Devil Scared People In The Toilet

Video powered by Metacafe

wow, it great skill.
just see this video to release your tension.


Bad Crazy Scene Man

Video powered by Metacafe

wow, it great skill.
just see this video to release your tension.


Drew needs REHAB maybe Suboxone...

Hey,I've been a junkie all my life...I know...anyway this is someone I've grown to loathe over the past year or two due to his chronic big mouth;sick of hearing him and the Liquid Handcuffs that run his life...I've been in treatment for the past two years and I can pass a drug test if this little jerk goes crying to my PO(which he threatens to do)and it's just my opinion...not slander;even if my opinion is truthful


A Guy Thing

Funny ad for insurance
