When your car gets crunched in an accident, you're grateful you have insurance. But what about when it comes time to get your car repaired? Some makes and models cost far more to repair than others, and those costs are reflected in your insurance rates. Insurers say collision repair costs among various vehicles can account for a difference of as much as ten percent of the insurance premium drivers pay. The federal government feels this issue is so important that it requires auto dealers to provide consumers with information that compares the differences in collision repair insurance costs among all the makes and models. And car makers are taking notice. Ford Motor Company now routinely consults insurance companies for suggestions so Ford can design and build cars, trucks and SUVs that are less expensive to repair, thus keeping insurance costs in check. Ford has many vehicles on the road right now that reflect that approach. In fact, Ford has the least expensive vehicle to repair in ten different vehicle segments measured by an insurance industry group (Highway Loss Data Institute.) Crunching your car doesn't have to mean crunching your wallet.
Produced for Ford Motor Company
Technorati: accident auto automobile car ford insurance mustang ride
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Insurance Repair Costs
Posted by eugene at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: accident, auto, automobile, car, ford, insurance, mustang, ride
Paintball Headshot
This is Happen when the serial killer join the game......
Paintball is a sport in which participants eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with paintballs (spherical gelatin capsules containing primarily polyethylene glycol, other non-toxic and water-soluble substances, and dye) shot from a compressed-gas-powered "marker".Paintball draws a wide array of players, and the Sporting Goods Manufacturer's Association estimates that over 10 million people play annually in the United States alone. Insurance statistics show that paintball is one of the safest sports in existence, even more so than tennis.
Technorati: accident burn candid crash cut extreme fake hidden hit hot jump prank show sport star super time trick weird win
Pennsylvania Bad Faith Lawyers
The Scranton, PA-based law firm of Munley, Munley & Cartwright, P.C. has served the residents of Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania for over 45 years, providing comprehensive legal representation to Pennsylvania residents involved in personal injury / wrongful death lawsuits after a negligent accident in the home, workplace or elsewhere. As part of their personal injury practice, Munley, Munley & Cartwright, P.C. maintain a full legal team of attorneys, paralegals and support staff dedicated to the negotiation and litigation of "insurance bad faith", that is, when an insurance company fails to act in good faith with their insured and looks to evade payment on a legitimate claim.
Technorati: attorney bad faith injury lawyer pennsylvania personal
Posted by eugene at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: attorney, bad, faith, injury, lawyer, pennsylvania, personal
Honesty In Advertising
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A truly honest ad.
Technorati: ad advertising brimer comedy ho9nesty insurance oren sketch
Posted by eugene at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: ad, advertising, brimer, comedy, ho9nesty, insurance, oren, sketch
Funny Dutch Commercial
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A Dutch insurance commercial involving a guy getting needles
placed all over his body (a Chinese healing technique). Watch
to find out what happens next!
Technorati: ads advertisement advertising adverts beheer centraal chinese commercial dutch fire insurance jump needles rescue
Posted by eugene at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: ads, advertisement, advertising, adverts, beheer, centraal, chinese, commercial, dutch, fire, insurance, jump, needles, rescue