Thursday, August 9, 2007

Nation Wide Spoof

Nationwide... life comes at you fast. So do mortars.


Seismic Valve Installation

David Shaffer of David Shaffer Mortage and Insurance Services in Walnut Creek, shows how a seismic gas valve can be installed in your home, by Home Safety First.


How to make real Money with YTB!"Turbo charge you levels!

Thanks for watching you can see me at or is a company started 6 years ago by the Tomer family from St. Louis . They built a team of over 250,000 members in A.L. Williams insurance and became multi-millionaires in the process. The Tomer family has now shifted their business interests into the world's fastest growing segment in business, Travel. There are 3 trends happening right now that showed an instant opportunity for major growth in the travel field. 1. Baby Boomers- 1 retiring every 6 seconds for the next 20 years (what do people do when they retire? Travel!)
2. Internet Commerce- fastest growth of any business in the history of business
3. Home based businesses- the last true tax shelter for the average Americans offers the average person the opportunity to purchase their very own travel web site that is identical in services offered by Price line, Orbitz, Expedia and Travelocity. There is one major difference, when a person uses your site to book a car, cruise, vacation or hotel, you get 60% of the commissions instead of the 0% commissions we're used to now. You also get instant discounts on all of your own personal travel along with the tax benefits of owning your own home-based --business. It's a no-brainer for anyone who travels or have friends who travel. Ask yourself this question, if your mom had a travel site, would you book a flight on Expedia for $400 or her site for $385? If you would like to know more take a look at my site you can see the presentation video, stock ticker and compensation plan. It's Incredible!


Sales Tips - Technology

Video powered by Metacafe

Sales Tips - Technology


Car Insurance Commercial - TV Set

Don't adjust your TV set.
This is enlightened advertising.


Just an update!

Just thought i will take this opportunity to update my friends on my new career move.


Sales Tips - Marketing Yourself

Video powered by Metacafe

Sales Tips - Marketing yourself


Car Insurance Commercial - It is what it is

It is what it is.
