Sunday, March 18, 2007

Now is the time to act

What's the world of business coming to? A jobin corporate America no longer comes with anyguarantees at all. No guarantee of healthinsurance, no guarantee you'll draw a pension,no guarantee your job won't wind up in Asia.Record numbers of once rock-solid corporationsare cost cutting or bailing out by throwingemployees overboard. Every day some corporategiant announces it's laying off thousands ofworkers.Millions of workers are out of work. And thoselucky enough to find a new job have to settlefor a whopping 25% to 30% pay cut!So thank the genius who invented the personalcomputer. The army of unemployed has takento the Internet, causing an explosion of home-based businesses. And, even if you still haveyour job, you can - and should - take part inthis revolution.An Internet-based business offers the bes! tfinancial return available. And of all thebusinesses in cyberspace, Troy,ShopRight could easily be your best bet.That's because ShopRight trains and helpsyou use the Internet to build and manage asuccessful business. It helps you find andtalk to others, like yourself, who want toprofit from this 21st century way of doingbusiness. ShopRight is the perfect answer for someonelooking to start a new business. Here's why.ShopRight requires: NO large amount of start-up money NO office rent NO employees NO business experience NO fancy educationNO expensive legal or accounting fees You can start your ShopRight businessalmost immediately Troy. You won'thave to raid your cookie jar or clean out thegarage to make room for inventory, either.You don't need anythin! g at all except acomputer and a telephone. That's so yo! u cancall or email us before another minute haspassed.Wait until you hear about the load of benefitsmy business has to offer, including some killertax breaks you'll never enjoy as an employee.You can learn about the system by going to:


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