March 21, 2007, Steps of the Old Courthouse at The Florida State Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida2006 5th Florida Congressional District Nominee John Russell addresses the poor performance year after year by the Florida Democratic Party when one considers their completely contrary and disorganized effort.Despite claims of resounding success in the 2006 general election by FDP chair Karen Thurman, reality paints a more sobering picture. A 2% aggregate gain in democratically held seats should be no cause for joy among Florida Democrats... or FDP leaders! There was no organized GOTV/ABSENTEE BALLOT initiative by the Florida Democratic Party in 2006 or any year previously. The most frequently asked question after the election was... Where was Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Davis's General Election Campaign?To improve from being horrible to merely pitiful... is no cause for celebration or for party leaders to pat themselves on the back. A historic evaluation demonstrates continual and complete ineptitude, election after election on a statewide basis by the FDP. Only remote and episodic successes are to be acknowledged, related to a complete abscence of a palpable strategy coupled with poor decision making, exacerbated by incoherent resource utilization.This framework or lack thereof, results in a rank and file statewide democratic party that is tired, and crying out for new ideas... and new "blood." Owing to their own strong parochial nature, contemporary leaders in the FDP, fear far more than losing elections... the loss of their own positions as "leaders" no matter how poor their performance is as such. The people of this state who themselves, cry out for a stronger opposition party to counterbalance "corporate" sponsored Republicans, all bear the serious consequences of "corporatism"; undeniably evidenced by the actions of the Florida House and Senate. The ongoing poor performance of the FDP should send shudders through the timbers of those concerned with Florida's Electoral Vote on the Democratic side in 2008! The perenially weak Florida Democratic Party in presenting no effective counterbalance to the dominant Republican Party... leaves Floridians saddled with corporate dominated policies benefiting insurance companies and developers, at the expense of working Floridians.A completely unopposed Republican House and Senate in Florida, that unerringly takes the side "The Corporation", leaves working Floridians forever holding the proverbial "bag"... no matter their political affiliation. It is this same bought and paid for, unopposed, unilaterally positioned group of legislators that appoints members to the "Orwellian" named... Public Service Commission... A very well compensated group of individuals, the PSC, is well known for their "hypersensitivity" to the needs of business... THAT IS... "BIG BUSINESS"... who need worry not that their every whim will be promptly and appropriately addressed... on their order! Can we say Homeowner's Insurance? NEED I SAY MORE...Given Florida's history of having a highly questionable election process over the past 6 years, one has to wonder WHY election reform would NOT be a major goal of the Florida Democratic Party. Wake Up Florida Democrats! The People are wondering... Just where are the REAL DEMOCRATS?John Russell, Clint Curtis, Christine Jennings and Frank Gonzalez are contesting 2006 election results in Tallahassee Courts as well as before the House Administration Committee in the U. S. House of Representatives. The 2006 Florida Gubernatorial election of Charlie Crist is also being contested. For Further Details on Election Reform go to...
Technorati: addresses congress fdp's florida john performance politics poor russell video youtube
Monday, April 2, 2007
John Russell Addresses FDP's Poor Performance
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