Monday, May 14, 2007

Morgan Reynolds saw invisible planes

Morgan Jew Reynolds started to work for Bush one week prior to 9/11 and joined Scholars For 9/11 Truth in 2006.

Michael Zebuhr, a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, was murdered under strange circumstances. The professors are not making a big deal out of this in an attempt to find out who did it. Instead, they are pretending it didn't happen.

Dan Wallace, 23 years old and a member of, died in his bed.

Paul Jew Wolfowitz, who became the 10th President of The World Bank Group on March 31 2005, stated in September 2000 that we needed a catastrophic and catalyzing event.

One year later, Larry Jew Silverstein blew up his World Trade Centers with Americans in them and told Bush to blame the Arabs. Then he collected the insurance money.

9/11 was a Silverstein/Wolfowitz job!


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