Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wall Street Journal: Larry Silverstein's 9/11 Warnings

Propaganda, 24, Bank Robbing, 9/11 and Guns.

Incidentally, here's how a couple of things work as I clearly see them:

1) Propaganda is what's repeated everywhere until everyone is saying it, and it becomes common knowledge. Truth is likely the isolated and well-researched stories that are said but not repeated.

You know when you watch TV or read the paper and bump into some real 'ish, it's a real surprise. What's more surprising is why they're said but not repeated despite being well-documented and compelling, and that shows the media conspiracy to avoid certain subjects (e.g. CIA, banking, etc.) and suppress stories that break through.

A good journalist may squeeze one in now and then, like the "Torture flights out of Newfoundland" in The Toronto Star or New York Times, but what's amazing is how they disappear and fizzle-out as tools to use to stop psychopaths from torturing innocent people for years for no reason while obviously getting no good intelligence, as proven by the "wars" getting worse every year.


2) Regarding the nuclear attack on Iran and possible prelude to World War Three, we know they want to do it with plans in place and aircraft carriers circling, so it could happen any minute. At this point it's like we're outside a bank, pointing at men with guns hiding in the bushes, and screaming "They're going to rob the bank!"

As long as we do they can't, and in many cases relating to this analogy: we're the bank.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) cabal behind Bush only got the job because they promised the military-industrial complex they would attack 60 countries, you can see it in print on their website, and that's why the corporate-controlled media puts fascist chicken-choking chicken-hawks on TV and calls them "experts" to make them sound sane.


The military-industrial complex sees the "War on Terror" as an opportunity to arm themselves against a public beginning to wake up, and governments around the world are cracking down on their people. The whole global push behind this proves it's being used as an "organizing tool for society" as the great Webster Tarpley says (check his stuff out), and it's an insane nightmare to imagine a future of endless wars and police states.

In the novel 1984, author George Orwell suggests that children grow up learning "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and always will be", and the same thing is happening now with "Al-Qaeda", a bunch of contract workers for the CIA who's actions help them keep their jobs.

We watch "24" and think intelligence agents are cool so we cheer when our leaders hire more, but in fact they secretly work for the elite to screw the people, and will continue to as their numbers grow with increased control and corruption. They launder money, run drugs, run prostitution, work with the mafia... they're basically a go-between between a lot of groups, including governments, corporations, banks and the London and Wall Street financiers who gamble on the markets to magically make majillions from nothing.

The CIA haven't been subjected to any "oversight" (e.g. no one knows what the hell they're doing) since the Congressional Church Committee Hearings of 1975, and a world with 3 billion people living on less than $2 a day is their handiwork. The crazy, rich, racist mofo's who run the world are deliberately keeping people down to steal their resources, and we have to stop buying the bullsh-t.

The best weapon to expose it has always been the same: 9/11 Truth, which is so dangerous it's been kept out of the mainstream media, indie media and anti-war movement, rendering them all impotent in the face of "terror".

It's a "racist, fascist, war-mongering and intellectually and morally degrading myth" (Webster Tarpley) that allows Conservative pussies to be scared yet again, but not by "gays" or "blacks" or the "war on Christmas", but instead by "foreigners" who are labeled terrorists in some stupid Pentagon PSYOP James Bong Movie.


Not doing anything about it?




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