Friday, August 3, 2007

Healthcare Jeopardy from "National Health Emergency"

In the spring of 1994, Deep Dish Television produced a 17-part series about the national healthcare crisis called "Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired." This series brings you a grassroots perspective on health care from across the nation. You've heard from the policy makers, the insurance agents and the drug manufacturers. Now it's time to hear from the people. This series presents the voices and visions of those most affected by health care reform, the people themselves.
"Healthcare Jeopardy" is just one piece included in the half-hour program, "National Health Emergency: An Activist Survey." This program presents a timely analysis of health care reform in the United States. Video segments from around the country illustrate successful models for a comprehensive health care plan and local news reports on continuing strategies and organizing events are featured. The program also highlights the work of national and regional organizations, such as the Health Care! We Gotta Have It Campaign, Physicians for a National Health Program, Nurses for National Health Care, the Universal Care Action Network (UHCAN), ACT-UP, the Older Women's League, Single Payer Across the Nation (SPAN) and Georgians for a Common Sense Health Plan. Additionally, National Health Emergency ... examines the primary financiers and forces opposed to reform: hospital chains, insurance agencies and pharmaceutical companies. (28:00) Coordinating Producer:Cindy Nelson (San Diego, CA).
Visit for more information or to see the full program.


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