Saturday, May 5, 2007

Duke3D Speedrun: DRDOOM.MAP in 00:32

The Duke Nukem 3D usermap, Dr. Doom (DRDOOM.MAP) by Dukebert, completed in 00:32 in Duke Nukem 3D v1.5. The map itself is based on MAP04: The Focus from Doom II, originally designed by American McGee. The .DMO version, recorded on April 28, 2007, can be downloaded in the URL below:

What follows is the description from the text file included in that .ZIP:

Now here's something interesting. This old map is a conversion of MAP04: The Focus from Doom II, originally designed by American McGee. Dukebert made several minor changes to it, and even added some new secrets to spice things up. All in all, it remains a great map to play. That said, you can still speed through it in less than a minute.

In The Focus, you had to flip a switch lowering a platform, and then go all the way around the path to access the first keycard. In Dr. Doom, you can just flip the switch... and then Ledge Push right through the force field to the keycard. You'll need both luck and careful maneuvering, however, to not have the enemies in the sewage area gun your ass down as you head to the yellow keycard door.

Also, in the original level, once you reach the storage room, you'd have to step on a small crate in the entryway to the room, magically causing a stack of crates to lower like an elevator, which you must take to reach the second keycard. It's the same thing in Dr. Doom, only the stack of crates rises from the floor instead, which is even sillier. Not to mention that you can use the nearby Pig Cop as a platform to the blue keycard anyway. In this run, I grab the Atomic Health just to have a little extra insurance, although I'm sure it's possible without it if you're lucky.

Lastly, in the final room, there are circular grates all about, presumably to prevent you from jumping to either of the compartments, and then to the platform, like you could in The Focus even with the lack of jumping in Doom II (through the use of straferunning.) However, you can take a shortcut anyway by strafejumping to the exit platform from the bridge. The timing's bitchy, though; if you don't do it when you're about to fall off the bridge, you won't make it there. When watching my run, you can activate View Mode and see the position Duke's at when I do it.

All in all, this could use a few touch-ups, like not performing so high of a jump before clipping through the forcefield. 00:31 or 00:30 could be possible, maybe a sub-30 time, or maybe even a time faster than the current Compet-N record for The Focus (0:28 by Vincent CatalaĆ”!)


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