It is illegal in Germany not to believe in a specific story, out of all stories. A clear sign that this story is a lie. The story is that a psychopath took time to shave and gass 6 million Jews just to make lampshades and soap.
If I doubt this stupid story should I be in jail?
My story is that Hitler was controlled by Jews - just like Bush is. So, are the Jews gonna lock me up now?
Deborah Lauter: "A very common technique among anti-Semites is to twist things, 'I'm not an anti-Semite, I just believe XYZ'"
I've never heard anyone say they believe XYZ, so I guess there exist no anti-Semites.
Eric Hufschmid and Christopher Bollyn on Jewish owned CNN. CNN won't let anyone but their friends come on their shows. They promote, and, which are websites made by Jews. They use capital letters in the beginning of the words so the viewer will remember the URLs easier.
Michael Piper has a radio show, a website and has been investigating the Zionists. He hired an investigator to investigate Christopher Bollyn and it was revealed that Bollyn had received money from over seas. The investigator had also told that further investigation would be a high risk. _Bollyn.mp3
Not just any man has these kinds of resources. Alex Jones has a radio show, he maintains a website and he is puking out a lot of meaningless blog entries, especially after I started to expose the lies of the truthmovements on his blog on feb 22nd. Alex Jones has also been investigating 9/11 intensively for a long time. The evidence Jones doesn't have, doesn't exist.
Eric Hufschmid is a member of AOL ( which is owned by Time Warner, which is owned by Jews.
Eric Hufschmid has exposed lies from Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Dr. Deagle and others. He has exposed Scholars for 9/11 Truth having murdered their member, Michael Zebuhr.
Now, Eric Hufschmid and Daryl Smith claim that Michael Piper is a Zionist, and Piper claims Hufschmid, Smith and Bollyn are Zionists or CIA agents.
They are all Jews - pretending to investigate - exposing each other's lies.
But they expose each other as Zionists or CIA agents - not Jews.
To Hufschmid:
Quite revealing, don't you think?
What do you mean? What does it reveal?
To Hufschmid:
Sometimes you are not such a good investigator. Everyone can see that this is deliberate promotion using tricks. They use capital letters in the beginning of the words so that it will be easier to remember the URLs. They make it half transparent to make it look like CNN is trying to hide these URLs. It's like they coincidentally came across these URLs swiping the camera around in the office.
But there are noe coincidences on CNN. Every second is planned in detail. They pretend to slip up sometimes to give the impression that it's not planned.
Oh, I see what you mean about the capitalizing of the letters. It makes it easier to read them. They were implying that these were the crazy conspiracy websites. I suppose the reason I don't notice those things is because I have given up hope on America, so I'm not analyzing these things any longer. I don't look into 9/11 any longer, either. I am just waiting and watching for America to disintegrate. I don't think America will survive much longer. I think the biggest problem is that there is not enough Jews.
...a very long email which was mostly babbling. Hufschmid used to send me 4-6 lines. This time he sent me more than 300 lines. He didn't seem to understand what I meant by the capitalizing of the letters after all.
According to Jewish myth, the King of Jews will bring all Gentile nations, cultures and religions to ruins through world wars. The King of Jews, whom the Jews call "Messiah", will then rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Jew Paul Wolfowitz, who became President of The World Bank Group on March 31, 2005, stated in September 2000 that USA needed a catastrophic and catalyzing event.
One year later, the Jew Larry Silverstein blew up his World Trade Centers with americans in them and told Bush to blame the Arabs. Then he collected the insurance money.
Any man who says we need a catastrophe is fucked up in his head.
9-11 was a Jew Job!
Technorati: 9-11 9/11 bollyn bush cnn wtc youtube
Friday, June 8, 2007
CNN: 9/11 was a Jew Job! - part1
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