In this History Channel revisionist rework of the jews you'll notice that they don't mention, amongst baffling anomolies that they DO begrudgingly mention, that there were pools of molten steel found in the rubble of this building and "partially vapourised steel members". See Professor Steven Jones' thesus called Why Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse?. The thesus, available at Journal of 9/11 Studies, is now over a year old published and yet to be refuted by anyone. It is ignored by the media because its damningly conclusive that the three buildings were brought down by controlled demolition technology and this infers FOREKNOWLEDGE and complicity.
As seen on History channel. Notice that the engineer of the new WTC7 explains how they are building it five times above the Building Code regulations just to make sure that it won't......won't what?
Why would they build it to five times above what the Building Codes specify? I guess all that spare cash that Larry Silverstien got from his $5.5 billion dollar insurance payout (New York Law Journal)a return on his initial $150 million investment six weeks prior to the attacks.
If it were legitimate rationale to build the new WTC7 five times above the building codes then wouldn't the building codes for steel skyscrapers have been changed accordingly in light of the miraculous and baffling structural failures we witnessed on 9/11?
Notice that the concrete they use is "military bunker" spec and the emergency water systems are built into the walls.....WHy? The official reports thus far published (NIST as of March 2007 is still yet to publish a final report on the collapse of WTC7) claim that the reason that the fires continued to burn in WTC7 is because the main firewater ground pipes had lost pressure due to the broken pipes in Manhatten from the collapse of the twin towers. It wasn't because the sprinkler system in WTC7 had been compromised.
Are all new high-rises in the US being built like this? - military-bunker grade concrete and contained water-pipes? Ah, NO!! So why Building 7?
You see that this is part of the diversion?
Notice that the engineer of the orginal WTC7 building says that if it "wasn't for 9/11 the building would still be standing"?
Thats an amazingly powerful word "9/11" isn't it?
I've heard the government Neocon zionists use that word to excuse everything. If 9/11 doesn't work blame it on CIA asset Al Queda else more recently blame it on Iran!
He doesn't say that the building would still be standing if it wasn't for the mysterious diesel tanks. He says that the building was "state of the art and that there was nothing wrong with it".
The WTC7 engineer at the start explains that everyone was baffled by the collapse. Notice that the forensic engineer talks about how nobody got an opportunity to forensically examine the debris from the collapse which he says is what normally happens . But Rudolph Giuliani (another zonist jew!)ordered the immediate and expediant excavation of the site.
(Oh yes! The History Channel is owned by zionist jews!)
You should go look at other opinion on the collapse to realise what they DIDN'T show in this History Channel sham.
David Ray Griffin pointed out that if WTC7 indeed collapsed due to fire as with the towers, that Insurance Companies world over should have increased their Insurance Premiums on Steel-Constructed high-rises since they must be very dangerous right? Did the Building Codes change in America accordingly?
And we don't have to wonder why NIST is taking so long to complete their report on why the WTC7 free-fall collapsed in a manner that looks EXACTLY like a controlled demolition implosion.
Search YouYube for "Jowenko" the demolition expert. Thats an eye-opener on WTC7!
You will never see the completed NIST report on WTC7. All the public key figures investigating this crime will be silenced before they ever release this report.
By the way FEMA did release a report on the collapse of WTC7. They said the only hypothesis they considered was collapse due to fire and structural damage but that this hypothsis had "only a low probability" of occurance.
There is so much more .Do the research. See on youtube
Nist denies Molten Metal
Pull It revisited
Technorati: 9/11
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Sheeple Guide to WTC7 Collapse
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